Welcome to DARIA: Denver Art Review, Inquiry, and Analysis, a publication devoted to art writing and criticism focused on the Denver-area visual art scene. DARIA seeks to promote diverse voices and artists while fostering critical dialogue around art.
Click here to download our Media Kit for 2025!
DARIA: Denver Art Review, Analysis, and Inquiry is a visual arts review magazine published online and 3 times per year in print. Our first print edition came out on March 1, 2020, with 1,500 full-color magazines distributed to Front Range galleries, museums, libraries, and more. Due to COVID, our July 1, 2020 print edition was canceled. We resumed our print schedule later in 2020 with our Oct. 1, 2020 magazine.
Our regular annual print schedule is Spring: March 1, Summer: July 1, and Fall: November 1. We now print 2,500 magazines for each issue.
Book an ad, help support local arts writing, and promote your business!
Digital Advertising
You can advertise in our biweekly, email newsletters for $50/newsletter. Ads must be 600 pixels wide by any height. Email dariaartmagazine@gmail.com to book your digital ad today!
Print Advertising
Full-page: $500. Full-page, full-color ad.
Half-page: $250. Half-page, full color ad.
Quarter-page: $150. Quarter-page, full color ad.
Supporter: $50. Name Recognition as a sponsor.
Ready to book an ad? Email dariaartmagazine@gmail.com.
Next Booking Deadline: May 9, 2025. Art Deadline: May 16, 2025. Distribution: Late June and early July 2025.
Full Page, $500:
Art Size: 8 x 10 inches; Bleeds: .25 inches; File Size: 8.25 x 10.25 inches, Safety: 7 x 9 inches, No Bleed: 7 x 9 inches
Half Page, $250:
Art Size: 7 x 4 inches (no bleeds)
Quarter Page, $150:
Art Size: 3.25 x 4 inches (no bleeds)
For all art please make sure:
• Fonts are outlined
• File is saved at 300 dpi
Please send art files, saved as a .pdf, to dariaartmagazine@gmail.com.
Want design help?
Contact us at dariaartmagazine@gmail.com.